Reply To: Hong Kong Disneyland shark fin soup controversy


Heard today that US Consulate has reportedly phoned someone involved in arguing against HK Disneyland serving shark’s fin soup, asking re next moves. Hmm… black helicopters out next?

South China Morning Post had article on shark’s fin trade today. In it, defenders of Disney position arguing they are following local culture/tradition – which may seem fine, but traditions/cultures do change as societies change; this is a pitiful argument to put against cruel, wasteful, unnecessary practice that’s impacting shark populations (and marine ecology) – especially when Disney supposedly supports environmental issues.
Mentioned re host serving shark’s fin for “face”.

Dr Brian Darvell, of first email quoted in this thread, has received this:

Dear Dr. Darvell,
My name is Matthew Smith, from Flint, Michigan. The reason I am sending this Email is that I have recently read about Disney and their irresponsibilty with respect to conservation by proposing to serve shark fin soup in Hong Kong. I, my wife Rana, and a large group of friends and family were planning on a week trip to DisneyWorld in Florida. After explaining about Disney and Eisner’s attitude towards the issue we have changed plans not only to go to another resort, but also encourage other organizations that offer group travel to Disney resorts not to do so. It would be greatly appreciated if you had an address or email that I could contact at Disney to tell them about our concerns and why we have changed our plans and asked for a full refund on our trip. Each and every member of the group will be contacting Disney and any help you can offer would be appreciated.
Thank You from a fellow supporter,
Matt Smith

With google today, came across article from xinhuanet, re sharks’ containing pollutants including mercury:
Shark fin may cause sterility
– while doesn’t mention the conservation message, this does seem another reason why shark fin soup might not be the best dish for a wedding banquet.

Post edited by: Martin, at: 2005/05/28 17:48